Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ready for Takeoff!

I just got back from the cardiologist, and am pleased to report a clean bill of health (again!). I was kind of nervous going into it. I just really, really, really needed this to work out well. No pressure, right?! I am so very relieved that it is over and all is as it should be with my heart. Thanks God!

My cardiologist said that hormone fluctuations can cause heartbeat irregularities, but because it has stabilized out, and I am not planning to be on these drugs forever, there is really no need for concern. He is there if I have any other problems, but at this point he isn't anticipating any. We are back to our original plan that we laid out before. Due to my family history of heart disease, I will go back in five years to re-run alllll the tests I have done with him so far, and in between now and then, I will just go to my general practice doctor for regular checkups on my cholesterol.

Because the cardiologist wanted me to stay on the hormones while doing the holter test, I haven't lost any time on my IVF schedule. I have fully ramped up on the drugs needed to prepare my body for implantation. I am at the highest dose I will be on for this current drug, and I feel ok. To be on the safe side, I am laying low and not doing things to get my heart rate up. Thursday, I will begin tapering the drug off in my system. It will take a few weeks to get fully off of it, but it is a relief to know that I will have the worst of it behind me.

Tomorrow, Chris and I go to the fertility clinic to get everything set up for implantation, currently scheduled for February 27. I had my cardiologist give me a letter for my file at the fertility clinic as further confirmation that this is not a concern. Here we go! Excited! And VERY relieved!

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