Tuesday, January 21, 2014


For the next few days until our embryos are frozen, we will get daily calls from the embryologist with updates on how everything is going.

My eggs that were removed yesterday will be fertilized, and then watched as they divide. When they are big enough, the embryologist will lance them open with a laser and remove one cell. The embryo will be fused back together and frozen until we are ready for them. The cell that was removed will be shipped to a lab in Detroit where they will receive full genetic testing. They will be looking for MCADD along with a number of other more common things as well. We will know which are healthy, and will only implant one of those.

In the meantime, I will heal, and hopefully next month we can think about actually getting pregnant after all these activities.

Here's our counts for today...

Of the 21 eggs that were removed, 17 were viable for fertilization.
10 of those definitely took, and are officially fertilized.
The remaining 7 aren't quite there yet, and they are watching them.

At this point, it is too early to see cell division (sperm and egg meet, and then cells divide, divide, divide to form an embryo). What they look for this early is more of a chemical marker. The 7 eggs aren't showing the chemical marker, but is too early to call them a loss. They will be watching them, and we should maybe know more tomorrow.


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